The practice has had a Patient Participation Group established since 2004. It currently consists of 18 members of mixed gender and ranging from 25-80 years of age. We continue to promote the group to enhance numbers and establish a full representation of the practice population, by way of direct contact, the patient call system, patient check-in screen, on the website, in our newsletters and on the white side of all prescriptions. If you think this would be something you would be interested in, please contact the surgery for more information. It is very important with the new NHS reforms that our patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided and over time commissioned by the practice. As we are a training practice and have been for many years we routinely seek patient’s views.
Dates for our next Patient Participation Group Meetings:
- Thursday 30th April 2020 5.00pm
- Thursday 25th June 2020 5.00pm
- Thursday 27th August 2020 5.00pm
- Thursday 29th October 2020 5.00pm